Saturday, January 26, 2013

You and Your Woozen's Name

From the moment you join Woozworld to moment you quit, you will be stuck with the same name. While most of choose to go with harmless names, such as something like my own -CrimsonRose-, others make us question our safety and privacy in Woozworld. Now given most of these other names aren't truely a threat, but merely someone who decided they want to people constantly post on their wall. For example you will see that your friends posting all over the wall of someone named "WhatYourFavDonut" or "Whatisyourfavcolor" and then you decide to comment on their wall as well. Perfectly harmless right?From the moment you join Woozworld to moment you quit, you will be stuck with the same name. While most of choose to go with harmless names, such as Johndoe or Janedoe, others make us question our safety and privacy in Woozworld. Now given most of these other names aren't truely a threat, but merely someone who decided to make people constantly post on their wall. For example you will see that your friends posting all over the wall of someone named "WhatYourFavDonut" or "Whatisyourfavcolor" and then you decide to comment on their wall as well. Perfectly harmless right?

Correct. The true threat however is when woozen comment on wallz answering a question the threatens exposure. For example I found someone named "whatdoyoulooklik" and all over her wallz people posted what they looked like in real life. Here is a photo of her wallz (in order to save their identity I blurred their profiles and names):

As you can see reaction to these post vary, some woozens (like the top two posts) are serious; whereas, others (like the bottom two) aren't so serious. If woozens continue to expose their true idenities they risk exposure to creeps that may use this site. It is okay to post a post things that don't expose your true identity.

Other wallz that have misused their freewill to choose a name decide to use rude names, and most of the time woozens respond angrily, but the proper response is to do nothing. Report these profiles. Don't respond like these woozens did:

Some of the woozens depicted above chose to do be racist and other came to rescue to help the persecuted people. The proper thing to do in this case was to report the post and any negative comments.

In some cases we find their is a fine line between what they have the right to name themselves and just plain offensive. My example is the woozen named "---IHATEGODD-----". In some cases it is the people who comment on these wallz that do the most harmful things. And in case you don't follow on this point I happen to have a photo of this girl's wallz.
 As you can see some people were offended about their beliefs. But that doesn't mean you respond by pretending to be a moderator, or try to convert this girl. Quiet honestly I am offended to people who comment on this girls wall, because I'm an atheist, which means I don't believe in god. I respect others beliefs though, whether they are christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Agnostic, or Atheist. We should all learn to respect an understand others beliefs, we don't have to agree with them but merely be aware of them and respect their boundries. 

The lesson out of this post isn't that I'm an Atheist, or to stop making these profiles, it was to be aware and cautious of what you post on Woozworld. Remember the best reaction to any profiles, as shown above, is to report the post or profile.

Until next time,
